The mission is light a fuse that adds at least 100 Million Dollars to our economy. The process, is to help 1000 business owners do an additional $100,000 in business over one year.  

Why am I on this mission?

Thanks in no small part to excellent guidance, our clients prosper with documented revenue growth month after month. Their businesses and my business grow while others struggle.

I am grateful for the growth. Compassionate for those who struggle. And excited because I can help.

After enduring struggle and almost losing my company twice, but refusing to give up, I finally cracked the code on business-growth and developed a system to MAXIMIZE REVENUE. 


And grow my business - and my clients’ businesses FAST and PREDICTABLY.

This may come as a surprise, but one KEY strategy I use to grow eLaunchers, is to GIVE AWAY extremely valuable marketing assets that any business or professional practice can deploy entirely on their own and profit from practically overnight.

The idea came from Dan Kennedy.

Dan Kennedy personally advised me to GIVE AWAY my most valuable marketing assets. He said give those assets away WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED. 

He said give them away with nothing more than an offer to answer questions and help if help is needed to implement the gifts.

The mission is to help 1000 businesses do an additional $100,000 a year in revenue.
The strategy is to give away valuable marketing assets I use to deliver excellent results for my business and for my clients’ businesses and professional practices.

Download the current issue of 'Marketing Automated' magazine now.
Details on how to add $100K to your revenue are inside!

The mission is light a fuse that adds at least 100 Million Dollars to our economy. The process, is to help 1000 business owners do an additional $100,000 in business over one year.  

Why am I on this mission?

Thanks in no small part to excellent guidance, our clients prosper with documented revenue growth month after month. Their businesses and my business grow while others struggle.

I am grateful for the growth. Compassionate for those who struggle. And excited because I can help.

After enduring struggle and almost losing my company twice, but refusing to give up, I finally cracked the code on business-growth and developed a system to MAXIMIZE REVENUE. 


And grow my business - and my clients’ businesses FAST and PREDICTABLY.

This may come as a surprise, but one KEY strategy I use to grow eLaunchers, is to GIVE AWAY extremely valuable marketing assets that any business or professional practice can deploy entirely on their own and profit from practically overnight.

The idea came from Dan Kennedy.

Dan Kennedy personally advised me to GIVE AWAY my most valuable marketing assets. He said give those assets away WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED. 

He said give them away with nothing more than an offer to answer questions and help if help is needed to implement the gifts.

The mission is to help 1000 businesses do an additional $100,000 a year in revenue.
The strategy is to give away valuable marketing assets I use to deliver excellent results for my business and for my clients’ businesses and professional practices.

Download the current issue of 'Marketing Automated' magazine now.
Details on how to add $100K to your revenue are inside!

  • In this issue, you will hear from Clate Mask, CEO of Keap
  • Dan Kennedy speaks out in detail sharing his thoughts on Automated Marketing
  • ​Learn how you can get my winning funnels & automation campaign ABSOLUTELY FREE, no strings attached!
  • In this issue, you will hear from Clate Mask, CEO of Keap
  • Dan Kennedy speaks out in detail sharing his thoughts on Automated Marketing
  • ​Learn how you can get my winning funnels & automation campaign ABSOLUTELY FREE, no strings attached!

I may never make the cover of the Rolling Stones. But Dan Kennedy and I both made the cover of this edition of the magazine.  

In this edition you hear from Clate Mask, CEO of KEAP (formally Infusionsoft).

Dan Kennedy speaks out in detail sharing his thoughts on Automated Marketing.

And you get details on each of the powerful marketing assets you can grab – with no strings attached - the SAME marketing assets we use to generate millions of dollars in revenue for our business and professional practice clients year after year.

I hope you will join my mission

And add AT LEAST an extra $100,000 in revenue to your business over the next year.

 Accept the gifts. 

I may never make the cover of the Rolling Stones. But Dan Kennedy and I both made the cover of this edition of the magazine.  

In this edition you hear from Clate Mask, CEO of KEAP (formally Infusionsoft).

Dan Kennedy speaks out in detail sharing his thoughts on Automated Marketing.

And you get details on each of the powerful marketing assets you can grab – with no strings attached - the SAME marketing assets we use to generate millions of dollars in revenue for our business and professional practice clients year after year.

I hope you will join my mission

And add AT LEAST an extra $100,000 in revenue to your business over the next year.

 Accept the gifts.